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change doctor

I am the mother of a 4.5 year-old little girl. We got to know that my daughter has CF; she has to take treatment.
She is followed up at a female physician X but the concern is that I don’t get along well with her doctor. She speaks to me badly and reproaches that I do not care for my daughter because she has a language delay.
Does she have the right to talk to me like that? Can I change my doctor? Thank you for giving me an answer because I admit that I had stomachache every time I see her.
I just received your question because the expert it was initially sent to could not respond because of personal reasons.
The quality of the relationship between a patient (or parent in your case) and his/her doctor is essential to build up trust and mutual respect that are absolutely necessary to ensure better follow up of your child. As with any human relationship it depends on the affinities of the people.
There is no question for me to judge but if you don’t get along well with your doctor, whatever the reason and whatever the competence of the doctor and the team that follows your child is, be sure that you have the right to ask for changing your doctor but knowing this may make it necessary to change also your CF Center. In this case, I suggest you to speak directly to your current CF doctor or if it does not seem to be easy for you, ask to meet with a representative of the "Committee of the relationship with users and the quality of care "(CRUQ). This committee is set up in every hospital, has a duty to welcome you if you ask to and find an amicable settelment in the interest of all and especially of your child.
Hope to have answered your questions and wish you happy holidays if they are coming.
Dr. Gilles Rault