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CF and no reason for infertility: urgent, please!!

I am 23 years old and try to get pregnant since about 5 years, I have run through all investigatons and also laparoscopy has been done, with my husband (non-CF) everything is o.k. My hormones are super, both tubes are pervasive and free, bood test showed that I have an ovulation all the time, my uterus mucosa is buidling-up very well, my value of the anti-müller hormone is very good, my menstruation is regular, so there is until now no reason for this.

1. The sole thing I find striking is that during the first 3-4 days of my menstruation very much viscous mucus is getting out which is colored by blood, it is nearly like chewing gum and it is sometimes about 30-40mm long, can this be a hint that my cervical mucus is too viscous? And I have had an insemination, however, unfortunately it was negative,

2. or can it be that in the tubes, when an ovulation takes place, the ciliae and the fluid that transport the egg towards the uterus are thickened or stick together due to the CF, that even if always an ovulation takes place it is however not transported because everything is viscous in the tube?
I can not imagine any other thing why it is not happening.
Could you please give me some information on my two questions?
Dear questioner,
without having seen any written results, an explanation of your problems is difficult to answer. Are you under treatment at a center for reproductive medicine? If not, this would be advisable.
In general, there is indeed the possibility of a too viscous, thus impenetrable cervical mucus. A once performed insemination does not mean however, that this method is not functioning for you. If indeed no other reason for the non-occurrence of the pregnancy can be assumed, it is reasonable to try again 2-5 inseminations. Theoretically an impaired transport of the egg-cell through the tube is possible, however not possible to prove it in the individual case.
As a last possibility after further unsuccessful inseminations the methods IVF (in-vitro fertilization) and ICSI (intra-cytoplasmatic sperm injection) still are there for you: taking of the egg-cell, insemination out of the body and bringing the embry to the uterus.
I wish you for now much luck and I am there for answering further questions for you.
Dr. Anja-Undine Stücker