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I wonder if it is a risk to have a barbecue in the presence of a CF child under age 14 months? Regarding to the smoke. Thank you for your reply.
In general, kitchens and barbecues are at high risk of home accidents including burns which can be severe (every third barbecue accident requires hospitalization). Children, especially younger children, are often the first victims because of their curiosity and ignorance of the danger.
This however is not a reason that your child, even with cystic fibrosis, can not enjoy, like other people, the usually good atmosphere around barbecues ... if you take precautions.
What must be avoided:
- Rekindle the fire with a flammable liquid ...
- Put the fireplace near a hedge to protect against the wind ...
- Go away to continue the conversation with friends and leave the fireplace unattended...
Important steps:
- Place the barbecue outside, sheltered from the wind and away from anything that can catch fire (shrubs, dried grass, wood).
- Monitor barbecue permanently, keep young children away from it.
- Always keep a bucket of water, a spray or a fire extinguisher nearby.
- Avoid clothes with big sleeves, synthetic fabric. Prefer cotton.
By following these precautions, your child should not be bothered by the smoke.
You'll find tips for preventing the risks of daylife by clicking the following link:

Hope you enjoy pleasant moments ... safely.
Dr. Gilles RAULT