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Life expectancy, male fertility

Today life expectancy is what age?
Can we have children and being a man with the disease (without adopting or use medicine)?
Thank you for you reply
You ask actually 2 questions: what is the life expectancy in CF and what is the percentage of men with cystic fibrosis but being fertile.
Regarding the first question, the life expectancy uses complex statistical calculations should be interpreted with great caution because there are many biases say many sources of error. There are several answers already posted on the ECORN site. You can access it by clicking on "Search" in the list on the right of the screen and then writing "life expectancy" in the blank. More directly, you will find one of these answers by clicking on the following link:

Regarding the second question, 98% of men with cystic fibrosis are infertile, which means that 2% are not and can have children without resorting to adoption or assisted reproduction.
I refer you for more detail to an answer already posted on the site by clicking on the following link:

Hope it will answer your questions.
Best regards.
Dr Gilles RAULT