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Respiratory physiotherapy training

Again thank you for all your answers that bring us so much as parents of a child with CF.
I would like to know what are the steps to take to be trained in respiratory physiotherapy.
In addition, we have a physiotherapist who comes home twice a week when things go well and comes every day in case of bronchial obstruction. Our daughter accepts well the session. The session lasts only five minutes. Although our daughter is not obstructed I cannot explain to the physiotherapist the real issue for a patient with cystic fibrosis. I gave him the brochure of Vaincre la Mucoviscidose (the French CF association) but he says that it is just what he does.
I would like to know if he could be trained.
I really would like he keeps on following my daughter and to be sure of its effective practice. Thank you by advance for your answer.
The Association Muco Kiné (French CF Physiotherapy Association), affiliated to the French CF Association, organizes training sessions for parents, patients and professionals. Under certain conditions, these meetings provide practical demonstrations of physiotherapy in the presence of the parents, the child and the therapist. This is certainly the most practical way to meet your expectations and especially to preserve and strengthen collaboration with your daughter’s physiotherapist.
You will find the agenda for this training by clicking on the following link:

I also refer you to an answer recently posted on the site ECORN that reports general rules of a bronchial drainage activity :

Hope that answers your question.
Dr Gilles RAULT