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Respiratory physiotherapy

I have a few questions about the respiratory physiotherapy for a 1 year-old child:
- Has the physiotherapist to wear a mask during home sessions ?
- Is auscultation with a stethoscope necessary at each session?
- Is the nose washing mandatory each time?
Thank you.
Whatever the patient's age, wearing a mask during the physio sessions, even at home, is recommended, on the one hand, if the patient has multi-resistant germs to prevent the physio who could then transmit them to other patients, on the other hand, if he/her has a bit of a cold (or during epidemic viral respiratory infections like flu) to prevent contamination of the patient.
Other general hygiene measures are washing hands before and after the session and wearing a personal protective gown that, if not disposable, can be left on site provided it is washed regularly. It is also advisable to ventilate the room after the session.
Chest auscultation may reveal signs of bronchospasm or bronchial congestion, diffused or localized and may affect the course of the physiotherapy session.
The respiratory mucosa extends from the nostrils to the most distal pulmonary airways. It is important, especially in young child who can not blow its nose, to ensure that the nasal passages are free and, if they are clogged, release them. Washing the nasal passages can then be part of the session with a little child. This is a painless but uncomfortable gesture which is not always experienced well by the child or the parents, but it is useful and important that parents also learn to do.
Hope that answers your question.
Dr Gilles RAULT
