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child with cystic fibrosis and airplane

I have a 1 year-old child with cystic fibrosis and we want to fly this summer to go to Corsica. Should we take special precautions? For now it was never cluttered and saturation is still 99. Thank you.

Your child is well: you do not have to take special precautions when you travel by air except the general advice that is given to all parents travelling with a baby:

- While takeoff and landing, you can give your child a baby bottle or pacifier to make it swallow. This will avoid earache due to pressure changes.

- It is advisable to have warm clothing to prevent a cooling due to the air conditioning in the plane.

- In general, it is better to avoid air travel for a child or an adult with a ENT problem (otitis ...)

I wish you happy holidays in Corsica and stay alert to the risk of dehydration.

Best regards,

Marie-Laure Madec

In general, there is detailed informtaion on the topic in paper published by the ECORN-CF study group (T.O. Hirche et al.) in the Jounal of Cystic Fibrosis 9 (2010) 385 - 399:
"Travelling with cystic fibrosis: Recommendations for patients and care team members"
If you are interested in the abstract or full version of the paper, please go on "Home" of the ECORN-CF website, then on the right side click on the third line "Travelling with CF".
D. d'Alquen