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My 15-year-old daughter (CF) was diagnosed with ABPA. We could not find the source of the mould. Now we want to buy a new mattress for her bed. I had a memory foam mattress in mind, however when testing, my daughter preferred an innerspring mattress and would like to buy this one. Is there a recommendation concerning ABPA?

Dear questioner,

Unfortunately, it is often not possible to find the source that led to the allergy. What mattresses are concerned, the type of mattress should be no problem for a colonisation with mould fungi. It is important that there is enough space underneath the bed and the slatted frame so that the air can circulate sufficiently. The room should be ventilated directly after getting up so that the humidity that was emitted during that night can be reduced. The mattress proctector and mattress cover should be ventilated and cleaned regularly.

Enjoy the new mattress.
Barbara Kahl