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Taking antibiotics

I am the father of a child who has cystic fibrosis. I've read that taking vitamins should be rather after swallowing pancreatic enzymes. What about antibiotics? Is it better, is it more effective if taken after swallowing the CREON?
Thank you very much.

Indeed, vitamins A, D, E, K must be taken with CREON because they are fat-soluble and assimilated by the body with fat.
In principle, the best time to take antibiotics is half an hour before meals or just before meals. In this way, the active agent is better absorbed in case of an empty stomach. In this case, it is not necessary to take CREON with.
But there are exceptions: some antibiotics are better assimilated in presence of fat and therefore should be taken during a meal with CREON.
That is why it is important to ask the doctor who prescribed the treatment or pharmacist and to read the leaflet of the drug. How to take the antibiotic is usually clearly stated.
Best regards,
Marie-Laure Madec