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Moving to Dubai (UAE)

Is there a risk for our 3-year-old little boy to go off for living in Dubai?
Are respiratory physiotherapists available overthere?
Conditions of life and access to health care actually differ in Dubai, United Arabic Estates (UAE), from those you know currently in France. Moving in this country with your CF little boy involves to carefully consider difficulties and figure out solutions to enlighten your decision to move and to get prepared for.
Outside of buildings and vehicles equipped with air conditioning, the atmosphere in Dubai, very hot and humid, exposes to a high risk of dehydration by increasing sweat loss of water and salt. However, this risk can be controlled by a proper application of preventive measures such as is the case for many people with CF living in countries with similar climatic conditions (Australia, southern United States ... ). Otherwise, the atmosphere rich in pollen throughout the year may also be responsible for respiratory allergies.
The UAE are an economically developed country with well-equipped hospitals and doctors very often (well) trained in Western countries (i.e. USA) where they may have been in charge of CF patients. Though, it is probably not the case for the other professionals of a CF multidisciplinary team. Clicking on the following link you will arrive on the website of a hospital that pretends to have expertise of CF. It would be useful to contact them for more information.
If, in France, it is possible to benefit from home care physiotherapy supported by health insurance, it will probably be difficult to find a qualified professional in Dubai ready to respond as frequently as in France and at a price reimbursed by your health insurance. There are many airway clearance techniques. If none of them has scientifically established its superiority, some instrumental techniques (Vest, Flutter, Acapella) may be more convenient in this context by giving you more autonomy. You can also attend an airway clearance technique training session: the "Association Muco Kiné" organizes, in collaboration with the French association "Overcoming Cystic Fibrosis", training sessions open to patients and their families.
I suggest you get in touch with your CF Center in order to discuss with the multidisciplinary team the opportunity to move to Dubaï and, if appropriate, to set up an individualized action plan including :
• getting in touch with a hospital unit in Dubai for dealing the conditions of a collaborative follow-up ;
• setting up therapeutic education sessions to develop your knowledge of the disease and your adaptation skills;
• possibly training of an airway clearance technique that gives you more autonomy.
• reviewing Health coverage conditions, including the ability to return to France in case of emergency, and possibly the ability to obtain reimbursement of transportation to maintain a semi-annual or annual visit to your French CF Center.

Hope that answers your question.
Sincerely yours.
Gilles RAULT, MD, CF Center Roscoff
26.09.13 Please find more information general aspects (long distance flights, needed forms etc) on travelling with CF in the article "Travelling with cystic fibrosis: Recommendations for patients and care team members"

D. d'Alquen