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Scuba diving in the swimming pool

Our 13 year old son would like to dive with bottles in the swimming pool but we don’t know if this activity is consistent with cystic fibrosis. Could you guide us?
Thank you.

It’s quite difficult to answer very precisely without knowing the general health outcomes of your son.

However, I can try to give you a general answer.

As you may know, the practice of sport or physical activity is encouraged in all children, and CF is by no means a contra- indication. On the contrary, physical activity helps to improve exercise capacity, muscle strength, motor coordination and quality of life. Lung function also benefits, especially respiratory muscles, and may result in a reduction of breathing difficulties.

However, before choosing and starting a physical activity, it’s essential that the treatment is appropriate and properly followed. A consultation with your referring physician in your CF Center is therefore very important.

If sport in general is highly recommended, however, some activities are discouraged or prohibited. This is the case with diving...

The Association “Vaincre La Mucoviscidose” edited a brochure for young patients :

Do not hesitate to ask and discuss this with your referring physician and your physiotherapist: I have no doubt this will help your son to find another more suitable activity yet equally pleasant for him.

Hope to have helped you.
Laetitia Guéganton