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synchronized swimming

My 9 year-old CF daughter practices synchronized swimming for the first year. After discussion with the CF centre, the doctor told me that there were no problems if precautions for public pools were respected. However, I wonder if other children or people practice the sport and know their experiences and recommendations.
Dear Madam,
As you know sport is recommended for children with cystic fibrosis. Subject to compliance with the usual precautions with pools (avoiding the footbath, limited time in the shower, dry the hair and wear warm clothes afterwards), swimming and associated activities are a good choice.
I have not found evidence of children doing this activity but you can surf on this website: (see also the "golden rules" tab and " champion advices ").
I will ask the association "Etoile des Neiges" if they know patients practicing this sport and will certainly keep you informed.

Best regards and good synchro for your daughter!
Dr. Sophie Ravilly