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Could you tell me if the use of a strap for physical therapy sessions is essential? Just recommended? Or not at all important?
In which cases do you use it and for what purpose?
It has never been proposed to my granddaughter who is 4 years old!
Thank you for your reply.
the strap is not at all essential!
However it can be useful.
There are three main objectives:
- to work the chest flexibility
- to try to ventilate, drain the deep lung territories, keeping the lung expiratory position
- to fight against the chest distension
If nobody suggested it to your grand-daughter, it's likely that its use is not yet relevant for her: your grand-daughter is only 4 years old. For young children, the therapist often uses his hands directly. The strap is used with teenagers when we want to teach them to do chest physiotherapy alone.
If you are worried, ask your physiotherapist. If he does not know how to use it, tell him not to hesitate to get in touch with physiotherapists at the CF center.
Charlotte Lacarrière