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climbing indoor


My 7-year-old daughter would like to practise climbing.
We went in a room to learn it and we noticed that the air was full of magnesia.

The air is renewed every night but the magnesia is very volatile and there remains always on the grips.

I did not find information about the possible impact of the magnesia for a patient with cystic fibrosis and the question was apparently never asked on ECORN.

Do you think that the practice of the indoor climbing is possible?

Thank you in advance for your answer
your question is very interesting and I recommend you the reading of the following article published in June, 2013:

Here are my councils:
- Prefer this activity on one or several outdoor walls ;
- Avoid this activity if the dust is visible in the room ;
- Propose liquid magnesia to avoid a cloud of dust in the room.

I hope to have answered your question of attentive parent
Very cordially
Yann Kerneur