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Delical® (food supplements for enrichment in calories and/or proteins)

I' ashamed to ask this question but I really thought I had another box. Actually, no: I will be not able to give him today [his food supplements] because it's sunday. Is it serious???
Expected response. I feel bad for my neglect, but I was so sure!
Given your obvious concern, let me answer even if I'm not at all an expert in nutrition.
However, I can reassure you that it is not serious, it could happen to everyone.
And there is absolutely no reason to be ashamed: there is never any "silly" question and all deserve to be taken into account.
You can do the necessary tomorrow for re-supply.
In the meantime, you can (maybe you already doing) try giving your child (I assumed you talk about your child) 2 or 3 snacks enriched with calories and / or additional protein outside normal meals.
Hope to have helped you and most importantly, reassured.
Laetitia Guéganton