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Hyperchogenic bowel

I am 39 years old and mother of a 20 month old boy by IVF. The test for CF was negative. Today I am 23 weeks pregnant and after the second level ultrasound a hyperechogenic bowel was found. My doctor recommended amniocentesis.
Is the hyperechogenic bowel on its own an indication for Down syndrome? Do you believe I should have the amniocentesis?
Dear friend,
You do not clarify what kind of test was performed to exclude CF in your first child.
Regarding your question about the possibility of Down Syndrome for your second child you should seek genetic counseling. This forum is dedicated to CF and the CFTR mutations are not related to the Down Syndrome.
Yours friendly,
Dr. Stavros Doudounakis
Please find more about hyperechogenic bowel and CF by using the search term "hyperechogenic bowel" and find numerous questions already answered on this topic.
D. d'Alquen