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Dear expert team,
I inhale for more than one year Cayston® (Aztreonam), as the company indicated 28 days of inhalation, then 28 days pause.
My physician in the CF center told me now to inhale Cayston® without pause.
Are there any studies, yet, if this could probably lead to an overdosage?
Yours sincerely,
Dear B.,
please excuse the late answer, but in order to answer your question, we have asked for inquiries from the company GILHEAD, that produces Cayston®. According to the information we have now, we can answer you question as follows.
Concerning the continuous use of Cayston® there is only data from one study available that investigates CF patients with a Burkholderia infection. In the frame of this placeb-controlled study, the patients who have been randomized to the Cayston®-group, received for one year continuously the drug. GILHEAD has up to now not conducted any studies for the continuous usage of Cayston® in case of patients with a chronic P. aeruginosa infection. However, some patients have been included in the Burkholeria study who have been chronically conolnized with P. aerugionsa in addition to Burkholderia species, so that partly conclusions can be drawn from this study on the security and tolerability in the frame of continous antibiotic inhalation in case of P. aerugionsa infection. The continous usage of Cayston® however proved to be secure and did not show any serious side effects.
In this context the decision for continous usage of Cayston® remains an individual decision and is in the estimation of the treating physician.
I hope to have answered your questions and remain with best regards,
Dr. med. Christina Smaczny