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Indirect contamination


We know that people with CF should be very careful about the transmissions of winter viruses and other bacteria. If you kiss someone who just kissed (or simply rubbed shoulders) a sick person (seasonal flu, sore throat, gastroenteritis ...) is there a risk of being contaminated through this third party?

The diseases you mention are transmitted by inhaling droplets of saliva or sneezing issued by an infected person or through contaminated hands and objects.

Prior to be contagious and develop symptoms, there is an incubation time varying from roughly a few days. Therefore, the risk of being infected through a third party in the situation that you submit seems to correspond to a transmission by the hands or objects rather than "kiss or rub a third party."

In winter and / or the epidemic period, the prevention of the transmission of seasonal viruses goes mainly through hand hygiene. In fact, try to wash your hands or do a friction with a hydroalcoholic product before preparing and eating meals, after using the toilet or after changing the layer of a baby.

In all cases, it is impossible to know in what circumstances the transmission took place if there was no direct contact with an infected person.

Best regards,

Marie-Laure Madec
