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IVF (in-vitro fertilization)

First question: my boyfriend has cystic fibrosis and works in a cold room to prepare orders. Should he avoid this or not?

Second question: we will need IVF because my boyfriend has cystic fibrosis. Is this supported in relation to the disease or not? I saw on websites that we need 2 years of living together, if not, it’s not covered by social security, and we must then pay. But it’s only for people without illness? Because of CF, is the coverage included with the disease? I do not know if I explained well ...

And about IVF: between the paper from starting IVF, and then find out the results: how long must we wait?
To your first question: to my knowledge, there is no absolute contra-indication to work in a cold room for a person with cystic fibrosis. On the other hand, take a few precautions, including the need to avoid sudden temperature changes without changing dress. Your companion may, if desired, consult the company doctor and discuss with him the possible arrangements. He can also discuss with the CF team in his CF center: the team members will be able to advise best.

Regarding your questions on IVF: they are quite relevant. Indeed, thanks to advances in medicine and care, more patients with CF now want to start a family. In recent years, the Medically Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART) offers new possibilities.

Indeed, in order to prepare your documents for IVF, a certificate of marriage or two years of cohabitation will be required. It is an obligation for all couples (affected or not by CF or any other disease) wishing to use ART. However, be reassured: the process is fairly simple. You'll find reliable information [in French] here:

To summarize, you can go through your local council (several documents can then be requested; deadlines vary by city councils, and the process is totally free) or make a solemn declaration (a template is provided on the website).

All procedures will be explained during your first appointment in a specialized center for the ART. The doctor who will take care of you also provides the documents to be submitted to social security for a prior agreement necessary to the financial coverage. Normally, then, everything is taken care of 100% . The only limitation is on the number of acts: 4 IVFs are reimbursed (the counters are reset when there is a birth and in case of desire for a second child).

On time, it is difficult to answer because they are very variable depending on the centers, situations, techniques, etc ... But the details will be given at the first consultation in a specialized center.

I recommend you to read the brochure published by the CF French Association “Vaincre La Mucoviscidose” :

You will find lots of information and undoubtedly further answers to your questions.

Also, if your partner is followed in a CF Center, you could also talk with members of the team: most now have substantial experience in the management of reproductive problems for men and women with cystic fibrosis.

Hope that answers your question.
Laetitia Guéganton