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Cat and CF Child

For brevity, my brother (7 years) has cystic fibrosis and my parents refrain to believe that having a cat in the house transmit many diseases that worsen the mutation despite hygiene precautions. I would like a professional opinion on the benefits or risks about a cat for CF patients.
(PS: no family member is sick or allergic except my brother).
I'm sorry to bother you and I really admire what you do for all these people. May God reward all your efforts. Thank you very much!...
Dear questioner,

I understand your questions and concerns of your parents about having a pet if one of the members of the family suffers from cystic fibrosis. This question is not uncommon, and one of the ECORN-CF expert has already responded in the past.

You will find the answer, well detailed, by clicking this link:

(By typing "animals" in "Search": it is the question "Pet"). Further Information can be found under "Topics" and then click on the keyword "animals_pets).

In addition, the reluctance of your parents could not be related only to disease. Adopting a pet is indeed a decision that must be carefully considered. Any animal, even a cat, yet independent enough, takes time (to feed, Change its litter ...) and also a bit of money (for his daily care for veterinary care when necessary). In short, it is not a choice to be taken lightly. It is a great responsibility that involves duties and constraints.

I invite you to discuss with your parents. They could of course take advice and guidance from the doctor of the CF Center.

Hope to have helped.
Laetitia Guéganton