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State of mind

My brother was diagnosed with cystic fibrosis. He died in 2007. He waited for a transplant…
I realize now that I do not have all mourned. I'm still unhappy, I miss him. I’m full of regret! I realized that I needed a psychologist. I'm 35 and I can not move forward ... neither professionally nor on the sentimental level... I'm freezing. I live on Xxx, should I contact a psychologist specialized in cystic fibrosis, or a "normal" psychologist?

Dear questioner,
[translators comment: this is a French question, therefore the links lead to French websites]

Awareness of your difficulties to overcome the loss of your brother and your life mourning associated with your desire to get help, are the first steps towards a "get better". Your situation, as you describe, can actually require counseling.

If however you have kept some contacts with team members of the care center which followed your brother, they could advise and guide you in choosing a psychologist accustomed to coaching people in mourning. In any case, it is not at all necessary that the professional is a "CF specialist”.

Moreover, the French CF association “Vaincre La Mucoviscidose” could also provide you some help :
- A day "living mourning day to day" is given annually (indeeed, the next one takes place on January 18 in Paris, which leaves you little time to register but it is not impossible)
- The regional delegate may perhaps also advise you in choosing a psychologist in your region and / or offer you other types of local support (meetings, associations) ... Here is the address:

Finally, you could learn about groups and/or associations specializing in accompaniment of mourning. You can find associations "near you" through, for example, the European Federation "Living mourning":

The association " Apprivoiser l’absence" offers meetings specifically reserved to brothers and sisters in mourning:

Hope to have helped
Laetitia Gueganton