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Demineralized water and antibacterial hand gel

Once opened, how long can an antibacterial and antifungal hand gel for the preparation of aerosols for my child with cystic fibrosis be used? Do you recommend some in particular, maybe more effective in relation to the disease? How long is the deionized water useable, once opened for sterilization of aerosol kits?
Thank you for your advice

The duration of use of hydro-alcoholic solutions is variable according to the distributors, but generally durations are :
- Solutions for pocket (30,50 or 100ml) : 1 month after opening
- For solutions of approximately 300 ml : 3 to 6 months after opening
- For solutions used on surfaces in a distributor with a vacuum system : 1 year after opening.

We can not advise you a brand product. However, it is important to verify that the hydro-alcoholic solution responds to antimicrobial European standards. The application-specific standard is, in France: NF EN 1500.
Most pharmacies and medical service providers offer standardized products.
Supermarkets also sell this products but I advise you to check for standards on the label.

About the sterilization of aerosol kits, I assume you are using distilled water as your tap water is too limestone. If this is not the case, you can use tap water without worry.
It is also possible to use spring water bottle (but I do not know what is the most economical) allowing you to quickly consume as a beverage.
It is difficult to give you a maximum period of use of this water bottle but sooner is better.
Depending on the aerosol type used, there are other methods of disinfection :
- A bleach or equivalent
- In the dishwasher at least 60 ° C
- Immersion in boiling water for 5 minutes

I hope that answers your question of a caring parent

Yann Kerneur