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My son will be soon in school and I have a lot of questions. Could school refuse or reject the rules of hygiene or refuse to give pancreatic enzymes? My CF center is against the establishment of a Mobility & Living Aid but I am very anxious for meals in the canteen. Can we have a Mobility & Living Aid for meals at the canteen for a few months to see how it goes? Thank you for your answers.

You are anxious and your reaction is understandable because you entrust your son to a teaching staff that does not know him and that you do not know.

Precisely to facilitate the education of your child and to best meet their needs, you can establish an individualized home project (named "PAI" in France) .
It involves parents, the referring physician, the principal, the teacher responsible for the child and the school doctor. A meeting is organized by the principal with all these people and allows to write down the conditions of schooling, the precautions and procedures to follow (hygiene, hydration, taking pancreatic enzymes...).
Needs will be discussed and appropriate conduct will be implemented. The intervention of a Mobility & Living Aid will then not be necessary.

Your son is followed in a CF center: the nurse coordinator can assist you in this process, do not hesitate to get in contact with.


Marie -Laure Madec