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My child has Pseudomonas and uses tobramycin inhalations.
What is the duration of treatment?
Dear questioner,
Thank you for your question.
The usually recommended duration of a tobramycin inhalation course for children is 28 days.
Then you should have a break for 28 days before starting another 28-day treatment course again.
Treatment should be continued on this cyclic basis for as long as the doctor considers that the patient is gaining clinical benefit.
There is no recommended minimum or maximum treatment duration.

Yours sincerely,
Sigitas Dumcius
It is important to know, if the patient has a first finding of P.a. and inhales Tobramycin in the frame of an early eradication therapy with the aim of eradicating P.a.. For this purpose, one possible therapeutic strategy is the inhalation of Tobramycin for 28 days, only in case of an unsucessfull eradication the therapy should be repeated or another strategy tried (1).
If the patient has chronically P.a. in his airways, a chronic (and therefore infinite) inhalative therapy with Tobramycin (or other antibiotics) is recommended (1).
D. d'Alquen

(1) Döring et al in the Journal of Cystic Fibrosis 11 (2012) 461-479: “Treatment of lung infection in patients with cystic fibrosis: Current and future strategies”