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Cystic fibrosis and general anesthesia

My 6-year-old son has to undergo a very minor dental operation. It was initially planned under general anesthesia. But the day of the intervention, one of the anaesthetists opposed the general anesthesia by precaution due to cystic fibrosis. I specify that the CF Center had validated the initial decision of general anesthesia and that the respiratory state of my son is completely satisfactory as well as his general health. I don't understand this reluctance and I wonder how an operation in emergency situation would have been managed... In other words: is cystic fibrosis a contraindication to general anesthesia? Thank you for informing me. Cordially
Cystic fibrosis does not represent, in a general way, a contraindication to general anesthesia. General anesthesia is one of the available ways for prevention and the treatment of pain, integrated into the offer of care.
In case of programmed intervention, it is preferable to realize it in a period of stability, with no respiratory exacerbation. It is important to realize a session of respiratory physiotherapy before the anesthesia. If the surgical operation is decided as a matter of urgency, the general anesthesia will not be dissuaded, but will take into account the specificities of the patient. The anaesthetists of hospital with a CF Center have an important experience with anesthesia for CF children. In case there is no CF Center, it is important that the anaesthetist can contact the CF Center which follows the patient to discuss it.
Best regards
Michèle Gérardin