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I have contacted by phone the press service of INSERM [institue national de la santé et de la recherche médicale = French national institute for health and medical research] who planned, before the end of the year, the marketing of a diagnosis test.
I have been told that:
- this test has been transferred to the pharmaceutical company Sanofi Pasteur
- it is not free, but if I have a prescription I could get it
Sanofi Pasteur doesn’t communicate with an individual. I asked the association Vaincre la mucoviscidose to perform an inquiry for me.
I have no solution and ask for help.
I’m surprised of the silence of the association regarding this test and the answer of my question posted at 16 jun disappointed me.
I hope you will give me an answer.
Thank you

The association "Vaincre la mucoviscidose" [French Patient organization] has contacted Professor Paterlini-Bréchot who has developed a prenatal diagnostic test for cystic fibrosis. This test is performed with “circulating fetal trophoblastic cells” present in maternal blood.
Here is the information collected:
- The test has been validated and been publish in 2012 by a team of INSERM 807 (Descartes University, Necker hospital, Paris) to which belongs Pr Paterlini-Bréchot
- the test is not available for patients, because genetic laboratories have to buy an expensive device in order to practice routinely the new method
- there are important technical confines, because the blood sample has to be investigated within a few hours of collection

The goal of Pr Paterlini-Bréchot is to make this test available for all couples who need it in France.
Vaincre la mucoviscidose will support all actions done for improving the prenatal diagnosis of cystic fibrosis, but the reliability of the method has to be guaranted.

Best regards
Virginie Colomb-Jung, M.D
Head of medical department
Vaincre la mucoviscidose
The mentioned ISET (=isolation by size of epithelial trophoblastic cells) method is a newly developed non-invasive prenatal diagnostic tool that allows to investigate if the fetus will be affected by specific genetic diseases (e.g. CF) that can be searched for. The method is based on investigating fetal cells circulating in the maternal blood, therefore only a blood draw from the mother is necessary and in contrast to testing by amniocentesis or chorinonic villous biopsy there is no risk for the fetus and the mother.
D. d'Alquen