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Living in the United States of America

Hello, I am 17 and I have Cystic Fibrosis. I wish in the near future to live in the United States of America but I do not know how this great country treats people with Cystic Fibrosis. Are there CF specialized centres?

Thank you in advance;-)
U.S. is the country where there is the largest number of patients with cystic fibrosis identified in a register (nearly 30,000: see register : )
Treatments are performed in specialized centers called CF centers. The list of CF centers is available on the website of the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation:

Financial management of care is not as simple and easy as in France or in the European countries. So it depends in what context you'd go there: with your parents who have their own health insurance through their employer or private, within the framework of studies ...

In any case for such a great project, it is useful to be prepared well in advance.
You can also find travel information by reading this article :

Dr Sophie Ravilly