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Disinfection of inhalation device

how do I disinfect most effectively the different parts of the eFlow after inhalation, in case there is no vaporiser, electric water jug or similar devices and there is even not the possibility to heat/boil the different parts?
Are there special solutions, in that the parts can be placed?
Many thanks,
Best regards,
generally, a thermical disinfection in a vaporiser or via boiling is peferable to a chemical disifection. Hereby, you have for sure no residues in the inhaling devices.
In case you want to do a chemical procedure, it should be a accepted procedure, e.g. listed in the list of the disinfectants that have been tested and accepted by the German Robert-Koch institute/ German society for hygiene and micorbiology.
The instruction leaflet of the Pari eFlow recommends on this issue under 4.5.1 to put the single part of the inhalation device in a 0.5% Bodedex forte solution for 5 minutes. After this, they should be put for 15 minutes in a 4% disinfection solution of Korsolex extra and then be rinsed thoroughly under running warm water.
This shoud be followed by thorough drying on a dry, clean and absorbent layer for at least 4 hours.
In case you are not able to vaporise/boil the eFlow due to a travel, please discuss with your physician in charge, if the drugs could not be inhaled for a certain time interval as a spray or powder.
B. Dittmar,