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Do CF patients run any risk when breeding wild birds?


I am affected by Cystic Fibrosis.
Since the beginning of this year I am on pension because of inability to work.
I am thinking about taking care of wild birds next year which fell from their nests and need help.
These have to be fed every two hours.

My friend has been doing this for many years and would be very happy about a helping hand.
Now I would like to know if these little nestlings might bear any sanitary risk (e.g. bird flu) which might be dangerous for persons with cystic fibrosis. I will not keep these birds in my home but in the conservatory where I will stay only to feed them.

Thank you in advance for your answer.
Dear questioner:
wild birds do not represent any increased health risk for individuals with CF. Hence you may help your friend in taking care for the small birds. Wild birds can of course be carriers of pathogens. If again an epidemic is on the horizon as we have experienced it with the bird flu some time ago, the media like TV or the press will keep us informed to take the necessary precautions. For the time being, enjoy your hobby with the little birds.

Best regards,
Prof. B. Tümmler