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Augmentin® dosage

Dear expert team!
I would like to know, if there is a general guideline for the dosage of Augmentin® tablets 1 g?
I know however, that the antibiotic drugs in case of CF are always given in higher dosages, is there however a general guideline on this?
Would you say, that 5 tablets of these 1 g tablets per day in case of a body weight of about 48 kg for the duration of 14 days are not a bit too high?
Many thanks in advance
Best regards,
the dosage in case of CF is, as you write correctly, higher in CF compared to other patients. The dosage of Augmentin® (amoxicillin + clavulanic acid) in case of CF is handled quite differently - a dosage of 80mg/kg body weight is in general the maximum amount that is given. That would be in case of 50kg barely 4g per day. However, as it is well tolerated, in some situations one can give higher dosages. Therefore you should talk again to the physician who has prescribed the drug.
Best regards,
Prof. Dr. J. Bargon