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Stagnant water?

Dear expert team,
the grandparents of our daughter (2.5 years old, CF) spend their summer holiday every year at the Lake Constance. This year they would like to invite our daughter to go with them there.
They both want to calm our worries concernig swimming lake and Pseudmonas danger with the argument the Lake Constance would not be a stagnant water.
We would therefore like to ask you about your judgment concerning possible dangers from humid germs in and around the Lake Constance!
Many thanks for your help!
Dear questioner,
The danger at the Lake Constance, thus a natural water, is judged to be very low. Of course the existance of P. aeruginosa and other humid germs cannot gerenally be excluded, however in my opinion is is markedly less compared to natural swimming lakes.
Best regards,
Barbara Kahl