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Medical interruption of pregnancy / cystic fibrosis


I am at present in the 7th month of pregnany. The baby has just been diagnosed with cystic fibrosis. I would like to know if it is possible to practice a medical interruption of pregnancy.
[Coordinator's comment: Please notify that this is a French question; procedures, legal situation and contact data in other countries are different]

Dear questioner,

The medical interruption of pregnancy is possible when the health of the pregnant woman or, as it is here the case, of her child, are in question. It has to respect a particular procedure. You will find a summary here for example: (official site of the French administration).

I can already confirm you that medical interruption of pregnancy can be practiced at any time of pregnancy.

I deeply advise you to make an appointment with the doctor who practiced the prenatal screening: to discuss steps, used techniques, your rights etc.

By hoping to have helped you.

Best regards,
Laëtitia Guéganton