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2 children with cystic fibrosis in school


Our child has CF and we live in a neighborhood where another child of the same age is also suffering from the same disease. The two children must start school at next beginning of term. Will it be a problem even if they won't be in the same classroom? Especially during the beginning and end of the class as well as recreation breaks where children can interbreed and necessarily use and touch same toys.
Thank you


If two CF children are visiting the same school, avoid maximum contact and, if possible, put them in separate classrooms. This in order to limit the risk of cross infection.
It also seems important to seek the establishment of an individualized home project. You can, if the parents of the other child agree, address this topic to educate teachers. They can be more vigilant (e.g. learning handwashing) and react if a situation seems to them at risk for 2 children.

Best Regards

Marie-Laure Madec
Please find more information on this topic under the following links:[showitem]=1407&tx_expertadvice_pi1[search]=[showitem]=1397&tx_expertadvice_pi1[search]=[showitem]=165&tx_expertadvice_pi1[search]=

Dr. D. d'Alquen