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Pregnancy and birth

What is the recommended birth method for a CFer with good lung function (71%) and well controlled gestational diabetes with an average sized baby expected? Vaginal or section?

Dear questioner,
let me cite the guidelines from Edenborough et al. in the Journal of Cystic Fibrosis 2008, 7:S2-S32: “Guidelines for the management of pregnancy in women with cystic fibrosis.”: "all reviews of pregnancies in women with CF have shown that the majority end in spontaneous vaginal delivery of the baby. Where there is evidence of maternal or foetal compromise caesarean section is the delivery of choice, preferably with spinal anaesthesia. Indications for operative vaginal delivery are traditionally split into foetal or maternal."
Therefore, as the baby is average sized, I see at the moment no contraindication for a vaginal delivery.
Hope that helped,
Yours sincerely,
Dr. Daniela d'Alquen (coordinator of the central English Archive of ECORN-CF)