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Accomodation of grandaughter in foster family by judicial decision

Hello, I have just learned that my granddaughter will be accomodated in a children's home following a judicial decision due to abuse from her mother. I propose to take care of her for the time until finding a foster family because I'm not in the age to take care of her properly for a long time. I don’t find this decision very related to her disease; what advice would you give me to do the best for her because I intend to be present in her life in order there are not too many repercussions on her illness. Thank you for helping me.
It is indeed a difficult situation. The decision to foster your granddaughter applies to all because it is a judicial decision. I can just advise you to contact the doctor of the CF Centre who follows your granddaughter. Given her disease, he/she has certainly been contacted by the Office of Justice for the organization of care in the best interest of the child.
Hope that answers your question.
Dr Gilles RAULT, Roscoff CF Centre