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question about milk

Hello to you!
First of all, a big thank you for this website: it's just great. Here is my question: my boy aged 20 months drank growth milk until now, but today he does not want to drink anymore. What to do? Knowing that he still drinks 3 baby bottles during the day (morning, after nap, night), what milk can we give?
Thank you for your reply.
Best regards to all


It seems that your son gets tired to the taste of growth milk. You can first try to vary the taste by adding something to the milk: chocolate powder, honey, sugar, infant cereals for example.
If this does not change anything you can switch to standard milk, taking whole cream milk for your boy receives sufficient calories.
If he refuses absolutely everything, it will be necessary compensate baby bottles by another dairy (yogurt,cheese….) and a drink for hydration.

Best regards.

Laurence Audran (dietetician) and Marie-Laure Madec