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Hello. My 7-year-old son is colonized with Aspergillus, this was detected at the yearly blood evaluation. A treatment with itraconazole has been initiated. Could you please tell me the consequences of such a fungus in the lungs of my son? Does it indicate a change of direction of the disease? Do you consider this as a factor of severity? What about the prognosis? Thanks for your response.
Hello and thanks for your answer.
Aspegillus colonization is noted in 9 to 40% of the CF patients. The diagnosis is made when the fungus is isolated in several successive sputum samples. The impact of the Aspergillus colonization on the CF disease is less evident than the impact of the immuno-allergic aspect induced by Aspergillus so called bronchopulmonary allergic aspergillosis (ABPA). Therefore, in case of colonization, the risk of pulmonary exacerbation is nearly 2-fold increased. The consequence on functional respiratory tests is more variable. In fact this colonization is maybe more a reflection of the bronchial disease than a worsening cause of the disease.
I hope to have answered to your question.
With my best regards,
Prof Jean-Christophe DUBUS