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Side effects of the treatment against Pseudomonas

What are the usual side effects of the treatment against pseudomonas, or is there a chance that the levels of platelets will drop due to the treatment in an immunosuppressed patient?
Dear friend,
The patients with cystic fibrosis (CF) are not immunosuppressed, unless they have undergone transplantation.
Does the person who has received treatment for Pseuodomonas suffer from CF, or is immunosuppressed due to some other disease?
Usually the side effects of the treatment against Pseudomonas depend on the kind of administered drugs. The drugs against Pseudomonas usually affect the platelets. From the antibiotics that rarely affect the platelets the most common one is co-trimoxazole which, however, is not a treatment against Pseudomonas. The most important thing is to treat the cause of the immunosuppression.
I stress that this forum is dedicated exclusively to people that suffer from CF. If the person you are referring to suffers from some other disease I cannot help you and you should seek for help from the doctors who treat this disease.
Dr. Stavros Doudounakis