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Painting with mutation 2789+5G A

Hello, I am carrying the mutation 2789 +5 G A. I don't have enough money to pay a painter and I absolutely must do interior work (for a healthier environment, wallpaper peeling off, accumulating dust below) and outside.
I have 2 questions for you please:
Outdoors, glycero paint, and water, do I have to wear a mask?
and inside, what would you recommend?
(is't not me who will dismantle wallpapers, and I shall use paints with water environment label)
Is an F1 mask enough?
I know the F2 mask are the protectors (yes? But if paint?)
but I'm afraid of running out of air (if they are made of big thick foam that I 've seen) .
Or, should I buy these masks in a hardware store? (and in this case, what should I choose?)
A little lost to protect me in this case.
Thank you very much for your help, cordially.
Thank you for your very interesting question.
Indeed, it is advisable to wear a mask when painting because all products are toxic.
Masks sold in hardware stores are the most effective but are also difficult to bear!
I advise you to try one and wear a surgical-type mask if it’s difficult to bear the first.
Good luck for your work
Y Kerneur