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Stays in hospitals

Hello, my son with cystic fibrosis has already been hospitalized once and has been in emergency a second time for other reasons than cystic fibrosis (stitches, ...) and each time the hospital staff was not aware of hygiene measures to be adopted (wearing gown and mask).
It is sometimes difficult for us, parents, to say the doctors that it will be better if they wore a gown or at least a mask ... Is there a "protocol" or documents that we may have and give to the hospital staff to inform them of precautions to take with a CF child? Thank you.
Dear questioner,

Your question is interesting.
If your child is not carrying bacteria recommending specific measures, there 's nothing more to do.
If your child is a carrier of bacteria recommending specific measures, it is your role to inform the medical team.

I also invite you to discuss with your CF center because sometimes hospitals have documents for patients carrying bacteria resistant to one or more antibiotics.

Yann Kerneur