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Stiching in the knee

I am 39 years old and have CF/diabetes, I would like to know what it is about concerning stiching knee pain and an infection of the lung.
Is there any correlation there? I observe this for some years now.
I only know that there are some CF patients who suffer from arthritis or rheumatism. Can something like this also develop in CF?
Hello E.,
pain in big and small joints do unfortunately occur frequently in CF, as via infection of the lung, antibodies reach the blood and can then deposit in the joints. Therefore this pain is often stronger, if the infection/inflammation of the lung is getting stronger.
In general one can try to achieve an improvement of the joints via a better treatment of the lung infections, e.g. with an i.v. therapy. As specific therapy for the joints there is actually only the intake of pain killers (e.g. ibuprofen) and cortisone as tablets.
However it is very important, to have also a rheumatologist look on the joints and of course also an orthopedist, because there could also be another reason behind this.
Best regards,
PD Dr. Rainald Fischer