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Looking for a physiotherapist in Portugal (Braga)

Mother of a little 3 and a half year-old CF girl, I would like to know if anyone knows one or more qualified physiotherapists in the field of CF in the region of Braga, in Portugal (we will go this summer).
Thank you in advance ...

We assigned your question to our physiotherapist experts but they do not know physiotherapists in Portugal.

I can only advise you:
- maybe to ask to the the physiotherapist in your CF center ;
- to contact the French CF association ( someone may be able to provide you with further information. However, if you (or someone you know) knows Portuguese, you can also contact the Portuguese Association (

In addition, you can also read the booklet "Cystic Fibrosis and travel", performed by all the experts ECORN site to prepare your trip:

Laetitia Guéganton