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Persistent diarrhea in babies

My 13 month-old baby girl was reported suffering from a moderate form of cystic fibrosis since her 2nd month.

She has food allergies and frequent constipation since birth. Stool analysis did not reveal any pancreatic problem, from what I understand. But today, she has diarrhea since a week. Not only the stools are soft or liquid, but they contain a lot of mucus! Sometimes, diarrheas are only composed with mucus.

As she is is my first baby, I do not know the difference between symptoms and normality. Does the presence of mucus in the stool is found in other healthy babies or is it really significant for cystic fibrosis?
Your little 13 month-old girl is followed for a "light" form of cystic fibrosis. She is probably pancreatic sufficient, meaning that the pancreas makes enough pancreatic enzymes.
Her mucus diarrhea problem is certainly not related to her illness. It can be an infectious diarrhea, as also could have a child without cystic fibrosis.
It is important to have your child examined by your pediatrician.
And be careful to prevent dehydration by making her drink frequently an oral rehydration solution.
Dr. Michèle Gérardin