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Stays in hospital (continued)


I don't really understand your answer to my question because I thought my son could catch Pseudomonas aeruginosa or other resistant bacteria in hospital (because it's a place where bacteria are present) and that the recommendations of wearing masks were adressed to the overall hospital staff even though my son is only MRSA infected?

Indeed, if the doctor is seeing a patient who has Pseudomonas, he can have one himself and pass it to my son ... Can you please explain to me why there are no recommendations if he has no specific resistant bacteria?

Thank you

Often, particularly in emergencies, the medical team does not know the infection status of the patient.

It is therefore advisable to follow "standard precautions" as:
- Hand hygiene before and after care
- Dressing with gloves, mask and gown if there is a risk of contact with body fluids (blood, sputum ...)
So, professional protects depending on the act and risk and thus protect the next patient.
Then actually, according to a particular pathology and / or to an antibiotic resistant bacteria, additional precautions are applied.
I invite you to discuss with your CF center and with the hospital hygiene team if available.

I hope I have answered your query of caring parent
Yann Kerneur