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Tobi® and nebulizer

which nebulizer is suitable for TOBI® (tobramycin inhalation solution)?
According to the leaflet, the LC-Plus nebulizer should be taken. Is this absolutely necessary or can one also take standard nebulizers respecitvely is the eFlow also suitable? Many thanks for your answer.
Dear questioner,
we got the following answer per mail from Kathrin Könecke-Georg:
"The company PARI has published several drug measurements.
Among others, TOBI® 300 has been tested with the eFlow rapid nebulizer concerning its deposition in the lung and the serum concentrations.
For TOBI® 300, the eFlow rapid nebulizer is as suitable as the LC plus nebulizer (original studies, Ramsey et al.). Hereby, there is a clear time-saving effect with the eFlow rapid nebulizer.

The serum concentrations are 60 minutes after the inhalation of TOBI® 300 with the eFlow rapid nebulizer comparable to those of the standard therapy with the LC-Plus nebulizer (Hubert et al, 2007).
In summary: TOBI® can be inhaled mit the standard nebulizer, thus LC-Plus, as well as with the eFlow rapid nebulizer."

Best regards,
Annette Pfalz for ECORN-CF