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Risk concerning a person with chronic bronchitis

I want to know what is the risk to encounter a person with chronic bronchitis and who is under oxygen in the hall of the building every day. Is there a risk of transmission of germs?


The situation you describe raises the question of cross-infection between two people with different respiratory diseases, in a place that is not confined and normally ventilated regularly. In addition, you do not know the bacteriological status of the person you meet every day.

The risk of transmission is minimal, but is however not zero. This transmission could also have a detrimental effect on the other person based on your bacteriological status.

Advice to reduce the spread of germs are those that are repeated regularly:

- Wash your hands or do a friction with a hydro-alcoholic solution repeatedly throughout the daily way: before preparing and eating, after using the toilet, after touching repeatedly objects that may have been contaminated (doorknobs, elevator button, staircase handrail .....)
- Cover your mouth when coughing or sneezing (in the crook of the elbow)
- Use paper tissues that are thrown immediately away and wash hands afterwards.

In summary, compliance with applicable basic hygiene rules for everyone, is the solution to reconcile adequate precautions and a good quality of life.

Marie-Laure Madec