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Consumption of coffee in case of portal hypertension (male/28-years-old)

Dear expert team,
thank you very much in advance for your human efforts!
I am 28 years old, male, suffer from CF and have nealry no restrictions in the daily life. I have a secondary, biliary (beginning) cirrhosis of the liver without esophageal varices, however with prolonged portal hypertension, as well as an enlargement of the spleen. My blood values are nearly all within the normal range, however only the thrombocytes are at about 140-150.
How is it in my case with consumption of coffee (in the mornings and in the evenings one cup of latte macchiato / 0.2l) and my liver problems, especially the portal hypertension? Can the hypertension in the portal vein increase because of the coffein in the coffee and can it induce esophageal varices earlier than without consumption of coffee?
I ask this, because coffee is known to increase the heart rate. I am worried because of this and have imperatively to clarify for me, if coffein can also increase the pressure of other blood flows in the body and if the portal vein is here possibly involved.
I thank you in advance from the bottom of my heart and wish you all the best,
Best regards,
Dear M.,
different studies suggest a protective effect of consumption of coffee in case of different illnesses of the liver. Positive effects have been described on the development of a fibrosis of the liver as well as for some late complications.
The effect of the consumption of coffee on the risk of bleeding in case of portal hypertension has not been studied particularly. It can be assumed, however, that in case of an early cirrhosis of the liver (without finding of esophageal varices) not a negative however rather a positive influence on the overall course of the illness could be expected.
Hereby filter coffee seems to have better effects than espresso. Probably consumption of 2-5 cups of coffee per day is favourable concerning a liver disease, whereby this is not yet known definitely and not for all liver diseases.
In summary, it can not be assumed, that the by you described consumption of coffee is dangerous.
Yours sincerely,
Martin Welker