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In which plants does Burkholderia cepacia occur?

The title is already my question. I have read, that this germ occurs at the roots of certain plants, however unfortunately not where and in which plants. This would however be very interersting for prevention. I would be pleased, if somebody could answer this question.
Best regards,
Dear questioner,
Burkholderia cepacia and related germs, to be exact it deals here with a group of different germs, are plant pahtogens. This means, that those germs can harm plants. On the other hand it is like this, that this germs also support growing of some plants, so that the germs are also used as fertilizer. The germ has been described for the first time as a pathogen for onions. However, these germs can infect many different plants, so that it will be for sure impossible to prevent a colonization of the airways via avoiding the contact to certain plants. The germ is fortunately not detected frequently in CF patients. A greater problem is for sure the transmission from human to human. Therefore in CF centers patients colonized with this germ are seen in general seperatedly from other patients. Afterwards the rooms are disinfected according to the hygienic rules, so that transmission can only hardly happen.
Best regards,
Barbara Kahl