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Klinefelter syndrome and CF

Dear expert team,
your colleagues diganosed me to have the caryotype of Klinefelter syndrome, also the further diagnostics revealed two sweat test that were more than positive. The suspicion was communicated that it could deal with an atypical CF due to the Klinefelter symdrome. Is there anything more to read about this or could you help me further what this does now mean in detail?
Also, furhter diseases are underlying like a severe bronchial asthma difficult to control, many multiple allergies (pollen, food and drug allergies), diabetes mellitus type 2 insulin dependent, atopic eczema.
It would be great if I would finally get to know more about the atypical course of the disease.
Many thanks
let's begin with the sweat test: the sweat test is also positive with the Klinefelter syndrome, so that one can not conclude from it, that there is also a CF underlying. Allergic asthma and atopic eczema often occur together, however have probably nothing to do with the Klinefelter.
Probably it deals in your case with several diseases independet of each other. In case there is the suspicion of CF, one should do a genetic analysis or also other physiological investigations at the nasal or rectal mucosa in specialized centers, in order to find that out.
In any case you should present at the respective specialists, thus for the asthma to the pulmonologist and for the diabetes to the diabetic specialist. These illnesses can indeed be controlled by an adequate therapy.

Yours sincerely,
Prof. Joachim Bargon