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our one-year-old son with CF is sweating for several weeks very strongly at the head, even if he is not too warmly dressed and it is not warm. Especially at night and when inhaling. His hair is often completely sweated wetly. Shall we get this investigated (and if yes, how?) or is it normal for CF patients to sweat very strongly?
Many thanks!
you report, that your one-year-old son sweats for the last weeks markedly increasingly at the head. You observe this especially at night and when inhaling.
You ask, if CF patients sweat more than other children and if this would be normal. Hereby, the following has to be remarked: babies and toddlers are sweating often in the area of the head even if they do not excercise. Predominantly the area of the neck and the back head are involved, so that the hair can feel moistly. More rarely, this can be observed in the front area. CF children do in general not sweat more than all other children however - as you know - the salt content of the sweat is increased and you should pay attention to the fact, that your child gets enough salt with the food especially in the summer months. Please discuss this topic again with your CF physicians in charge, that it does not come to a lack of salt in your son.
A special investigation because of the observed sweating does not seem necessary to me.
Best regards,
Dr. H.-G. Posselt